Husk at finde ladestanderen – også i hverdagen
Husk at finde ladestanderen – også i hverdagen
Mange af os er ved at være tilbage efter ferien, og er nok allerede i gang med at planlægge den næste, så vi har noget at se frem til.
Måske der er drømme om skiferie til vinter – om corona vil. Måske det er storbyferie. Måske noget helt tredje. Vi elsker forelskelsen i pausen. Pausen fra arbejdet. Men måske der nu er et behov for, at pausen skal nyfortolkes.
Som studerende måtte jeg tidligt lære at håndtere udfordringen med at brænde mit lys i begge ender. Universitetsstuderende om formiddagen og aktiv frivillig i studenterorganisation om eftermiddagen, om aftenen, i weekenden – ja, faktisk de fleste vågne timer.
Min redning blev på det tidspunkt et 2-dages Time Management kursus, som blev tilbudt os frivillige, netop for at hjælpe med os at undgå udbrændthed. Og det var guld værd.
Underviserne havde masser af vel-indstuderede anekdoter og pointer. Flere af dem husker jeg faktisk stadig. En af dem dukker ofte op omkring ferietid – nemlig ”Tank i Tide”. Og grundlæggende har vi behov for at tanke op løbende – ikke kun i ferierne. Vi kan have nok så meget styr på tid og planlægning, men hvis ikke vi har styr på energiniveauet i tanken, og hvor næste ladestander er, så risikerer vi at løbe tør før mål.
Tilbage til tetrix-kalenderen
Mange ser ferien som den helt store tankstation. Nu skal vi endelig have ladet batterierne op. Det er fedt at glemme jobbet helt for en stund, men pludselig er vi tilbage til hverdagen, tetrix-kalenderen, dilemmaerne og magtkampene.
Energien siver ud, inden du når at fjerne ferie-autosvaret. 14 dage inde i arbejdshverdagen sidder man og funderer – hvor blev den ferie-optur egentlig af? Fik jeg overhovedet tanket op?
Mange kender teorien om at være i FLOW – den der udefinerbare tilstand, hvor du er lige så tilpas udfordret og optaget af det, du laver, at du helt glemmer tiden. Den flyver af sted, og du opdager pludseligt at dagen er gået.
Mødet har udviklet sig positivt, samtalerne har bygget på hinanden og opgaven har opslugt dig helt og aldeles.
Tiden er bare fløjet af sted. Energien er fortsat høj trods en lang indsats, og du kunne principielt fortsætte ufortrødent. Sådan har vi alle situationer, opgaver, mennesker og sammenhænge, som efterlader os opfyldt af energi og med lyst til meget mere.
Det har fået mig til at være langt mere optaget af, hvordan jeg får tanket op i hverdagen:
- Hvordan starter og slutter dagen?
- Hvilke opgaver og mennesker bringer mig i FLOW og giver energi?
- Kan jeg prioritere at bruge tid sammen med dem der gør, og hvor ofte er der behov for det?
- Kan jeg vælge dem aktivt til?
- Hvilke samtaler giver mig energi?
- Hvilke tanker skal jeg parkere, fordi de kun dræner mig for energi?
- Hvad skal jeg tage højde for i planlægningen af min kalender, så der er luft til at trække vejret?
Tank i tide
Jeg har øvet mig på at forstå og gennemskue mine egne behov for at tanke op i tide. Jeg har sågar skiftet job, fordi det ikke lykkedes mig at finde mine daglige ladestationer. Der var ganske enkelt et alt for stort underskud på energi-kontoen dagligt.
Der er skrevet masser af bøger, apps og tips til optimering af tiden. Måske 4-dags-ugen og flex-ugen er en del af løsningen for nogle.
Grundlæggende tænker jeg, at vi skal til at have langt mere fokus på hvor og hvordan, vi tanker energi i hverdagen. Hvordan vi skaber åndehuller, samværshuller, samtalehuller eller andet, som kan fungere som opladestandere i hverdagen.
Er det med en gåtur i frokostpausen, en stræk-ryg pause midt på formiddagen, indretning som understøtter den uformelle snak mellem kolleger eller traditioner som bringer os sammen og motiverer til samtale?
Idekataloget er langt og grundlæggende ét, vi som ledere skal turde sætte frit blandt vore medarbejdere. De er langt bedre til at finde på. Lad dem selv drive ”energi-dagsorden” i hverdagen – men forvent det af dem.
Jeg tror efterårets kalender trænger til flere ”energi-huller” ovenpå – og med – vores nye virkelighed. Vi fortjener at være mere bevidste om at få tanket op i god tid – også inden den næste ferie. For hvem ved om den bliver aflyst igen?
Blog Impact
18. februar 2017
Hey DJ play that song
3 Comments4 Minutes
8. februar 2017
Me Myself and I
3 Comments4 Minutes
Blog Wide
8. februar 2017
Me Myself and I
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being…
6. februar 2017
My tech travel setup
One of the easiest ways to improve travel photos is shooting in better light, and the best light is often in the hour after sunrise and before sunset. That’s…
2. februar 2017
Learn the rules first
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than Twitter. If you read the article you’ll note there’s a big “if” before my not…
30. januar 2017
The new brand identity
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm. I’ll never forget the conversation with…
28. januar 2017
Sounds from the streets
Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…
25. januar 2017
A day alone at the sea
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a long time I could witness the sunrise. I could feel the sun…
18. januar 2017
Some amazing buildings
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm. I’ll never forget the conversation with…
14. januar 2017
Working from your home?
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a long time I could witness the sunrise. I could feel the sun…
8. januar 2017
Awwwards best websites
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than Twitter. If you read the article you’ll note there’s a big “if” before my not…
Blog Simple
8. januar 2017
Awwwards best websites
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than Twitter. If you read the article you’ll…
8. januar 2017
Trust in your intuitions
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…
4. januar 2017
Top Deejay Headphones
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you…
Blog Magazine
5. september 2017
Nyt test blog-indlæg
25. marts 2017
Calm over the horizon
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family…
22. marts 2017
Inspired by clouds
Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this…
20. marts 2017
Make it clean and simple
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a…
18. marts 2017
When you are alone
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to…
7. marts 2017
Real time design tools
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a…
3. marts 2017
Stumbled the concept
Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this…
2. marts 2017
Time is passing by
Every selector has the potential to have unintended side effects by targeting unwanted elements or…
18. februar 2017
Hey DJ play that song
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family…
8. februar 2017
Me Myself and I
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family…
6. februar 2017
My tech travel setup
One of the easiest ways to improve travel photos is shooting in better light, and the best light is…
2. februar 2017
Learn the rules first
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than Twitter. If you read…
30. januar 2017
The new brand identity
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to…
28. januar 2017
Sounds from the streets
Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this…
25. januar 2017
A day alone at the sea
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a…
18. januar 2017
Some amazing buildings
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to…
14. januar 2017
Working from your home?
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a…
8. januar 2017
Awwwards best websites
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than Twitter. If you read…
8. januar 2017
Trust in your intuitions
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to…
4. januar 2017
Top Deejay Headphones
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family…
Blog Editorial
2. marts 2017
Time is passing by
Every selector has the potential to have unintended side effects by targeting unwanted elements or clashing with other selectors. More surprisingly, our selectors may even lose out in the global…
18. februar 2017
Hey DJ play that song
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I…
8. februar 2017
Me Myself and I
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I…
8. februar 2017
Me Myself and I
18. januar 2017
Some amazing buildings
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to…
14. januar 2017
Working from your home?
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…
8. januar 2017
Awwwards best websites
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than…
8. januar 2017
Trust in your intuitions
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to…
4. januar 2017
Top Deejay Headphones
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company.…
Blog Author
18. februar 2017
Hey DJ play that song
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company.…
3 Comments4 Minutes
8. februar 2017
Me Myself and I
Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company.…
3 Comments4 Minutes
6. februar 2017
My tech travel setup
One of the easiest ways to improve travel photos is shooting in better…
3 Comments3 Minutes
2. februar 2017
Learn the rules first
I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users…
3 Comments1 Minutes
30. januar 2017
The new brand identity
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn…
3 Comments5 Minutes
28. januar 2017
Sounds from the streets
Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for…
3 Comments4 Minutes
25. januar 2017
A day alone at the sea
Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…
3 Comments4 Minutes
18. januar 2017
Some amazing buildings
When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn…
3 Comments3 Minutes
Blog Stories
18. januar 2017
Some amazing buildings
3 Comments3 Minutes
8. januar 2017
Awwwards best websites
3 Comments1 Minutes